Saturday, May 23, 2020

Exegetical analysis on James 31-12 Free Essay Example, 2500 words

Exegetical Analysis of James 3 12 Exegetical Analysis of James 3 12 Introduction James chapter 3 verse1 to 12 is a chapter of the bible that has been analyzed and used by many people and leaders of the church to teach other upcoming leaders and the Christian communities in genera on how to lead a good Christian life with h good values especially values pertaining to leadership. The text is very useful in the current generation which has led to analysis by different scholars and theologists. Most of them agree that text is wise words of James to the Christians on Diaspora on how to govern themselves and be mature in spirituality so as to avoid judgment in the day of the coming of the lord. The text therefore serves to prepare the Christian communities for the second coming of the Lord. This study was therefore carried out to understand the message of James when he wrote the letter. It also anticipates to find out the time when the letter was written and to find out the exact people w ho were the target audience of James. We will write a custom essay sample on Exegetical analysis on James 3:1-12 or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This will lead to the understanding of the message more clearly. Summary James is urging the audience to stay away from being teachers because according to him, being a teacher demands more from the individual and therefore call for a more strict judgment from God. He says that all people including the teachers stumble in many ways and more so in what they say. And he says that whoever does not stumble in speaking is a perfect individual, who is also able to control the entire body as well. He then gives examples of how horses and ships are controlled by small bits, in case of the horse, a small bit is put in his mouth and with it, and it can be controlled by humans. Likewise, the ships though very big and driven by the storms and winds are controlled by a small rudder to wherever the pilot’s inclination directs it to. He goes ahead to say that the tongue is a small organ in the body yet it has a great ability. Again he likens it to a fire that burns a big forest yet it is a small flame. Then says that the tongue is the fire and represents the wo rld of wrong doing among other parts of the body. The tongue, according to James, pollutes the whole body and brings fire the human existence. He says that all of god’s creations, the birds, reptiles and so on can be subdued and in fact they have been subdued by humankind but none of the humans is able to subdue the tongue. He likens the tongue to a restless evil that has deadly poison. He says that with the tongue people can bless the Lord and Father, and also with it the people can still curse the God’s creations.

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